Advertise with FAIA
FAIA Membership Directory
Reach more than 4 out of 5 of Florida’s property and casualty agents in the FAIA Membership Directory!
FAIA partners with association-publications specialist Naylor Inc. to produce the Membership Directory, which reaches over 17,000 agents at around 2,000 agencies in Florida. Spaces are first come, first served.
To learn more, contact:
Leron Owens
Publication Director
Toll-free: 800-882-7392
Direct: 352-333-3390
Convention Program
Draw attention—and traffic—to your exhibit booth with an ad in the official program!
FAIA's Convention is among the largest and most successful conventions of its kind. More than 2,500 people attend each year—more than many national conventions—and every one of them receive a Convention Program at check-in. The program serves as a guide to the days' events, and features a list of all exhibitors and demonstrations, as well as a map of the exhibit hall.
Advertising in the program is a great way to distinguish yourself from your competitors and help people find your booth in the exhibit hall.
Companies that advertised in the FAIA Membership Directory receive 20 percent off the convention ad price.
For more information, email Sue Ray.